Good Friday 2016 – Sacrificing in Uganda

Beloved, what I want to tell you today is unbelieveable and made us breathless!

Searching on Google for “Child Sacrifice” will bring some results. And you will think it is something that happens very rarely. But that is not reality here in some regions.

It is Good Friday 2016, this day we christians are thinking about what Jesus did at the cross. The lamb of God, given as a sacrifice for us.

It is just this day we visited together with our children Peter Sewakiryanga. He is Pastor with a special calling, which he let us know. He is working in a regular church and on ehe other hand with Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM). He is doing this work meanwhile in collaboration with police and World Vision.

There are people trusting Witchcraft and witchdoctors. They are sacrificing materials, animals and you want believe: Children. They will be kidnapped also from own relatives or parents. In the region of Mukono it seems to have an bad revival. Peter tells what he experienced the last years. As he begins to show us pics, we pleased him to stop. It is too hard to see. Sometimes they are successful and rescue some kids alive. At this point, there begins a long long way. Peter and his team is going this way together with them.


This calling is dangerous sometimes. The team need support in many was. It is such a gift, to see Peter and his team and their joy. There is no bitterness! They also take care for the people in prison. Someof them repent and change to followers of Jesus. Thats precious in this fight against such practices. The victims got many times free, when they are able to forgive, but thats a very long way.

It is so important, wahr Peter and his team is doing, but it needs a change of minds, before this evil will be stopped.

We as Ot Pa Wora are ready to do our part.

Ich bin ein Narr für Christus. Geboren 1958 in Niedersachsen. Gearbeitet habe ich 10 Jahre als Finanzbeamter, 10 Jahre als Steuerberater und 10 Jahre als Personalsachbearbeiter. Seit 2014 bin ich überwiegend für das Reich Gottes unterwegs. Joergs Beiträge
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