Yesterday we had our weekly cinema evening in our Livingroom
It has been so exiting and it stays like this! As we turned on the light. Petra and Irene hat the words Snake ans Schlange.
In not one meter distance to Joerg a Black Mamba was moving from our kitchen to the livingroom. It was moving behind the bench at the table.
The Chance for Joerg, to get a hoe from the storage. He climbed upon the benäh and chased the stake. Petra und Irene were Standing on their chairs. The he hit the snake 3 times and hunted ist seriously. It was jammed under the hoe. Now Irene could get a second hoe to beat the head of the snake, which was trying to move.
As a team, we got it! Praise the Lord!
Rarely all three of us are going to bed in this way. Looking around! Today Joerg closed the small gap at the door.
In Abakadyak we will construct the door in a more safely way. Cause the door is the only way a Mama could enter.